Intermediate Tai Chi

Level 3

The 1rst Duan

The first of three sections of the long Form of the full set of the Hidden Tradition of the Yang Family of Tai Chi

Your Lesson Plan

In this course module you will find:


The First Duan in detail

A detailed and step-by-step look at the first Duan.


Applications of the First Duan

A look at how each move of the first Duan works on a practical level as self defense.


Advanced Warm Up

A deeper look into the warm-ups, with a long set and a look at how Qigong is built into the warm ups.


Push Hands

A deeper look into Push Hands, including a longer set of exercises to be done with a partner.


Sitting Taoist Meditation

A look at Taoist sitting meditation and core prionciples of Taoist energy work, including the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, the Microcosmic Orbit, and the Tai Chi Pillar.


Tai Chi For Self Defense

A look at how Tai Chi can be used for self-defense, and how to take your training in that direction if you wish to do so.

Hi, I am Christopher Nelson

Tai Chi Teacher

I fell in love with Tai Chi when I was 15 years old. It has sustained me for all these years. No matter what martial art I dabbled in, I always returned to Tai Chi because it taught me not just to have a body, but to BE a body, moving through space and time. Tai Chi transforms the body into an instrument of peace, of joy, of spiritual transcendense, of comfort, of strength.

My greatest pleasure is in sharing my love for this wonderful art and seeing my students discover a whole new way of being.



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